125I-labeled peptides

For the receptor studies biologically active peptides with very high specific activities are needed. As amino acid tyrosine is very often present in the peptide chain, the introduction of carrier-free radioactive iodine by electrophilic aromatic substitution on activated tyrosine benzene ring is very convenient way to achieve specific activities over 1 000 Ci/mmol of peptide. We have developed iodination methodology based on use of eppendorf micro tubes coated with IODO-GENE™ as oxidation agent.
3H-labeled compounds

Tritium is the most versatile radionuclide in chemical and biochemical research. Therefore a new and sophisticated tritium labeling technologies are constantly required for the incorporation of tritium into molecules of biological importance as biochemicals and pharmaceuticals. Small molecule drug development stays in the forefront, and isotopic labeling is a vital tool in this process.
14C-labeled compounds

We started the syntheses of 14C-labeled compounds in our recently refurbished laboratories by the synthesis of 6-amino-5-nitroso-[6-14C]uracil and 5-acetyl-6-amino-1,3-dimethyl-[6‑14C]uracil for the group of Biochemical Pharmacology of Antimetabolites of IOCB. The common commercially available 14C precursor was used for both compounds - potassium [14C]cyanate.